Monday, October 4, 2010


1.       In my opinion the trucker will vote Republican. I say this because I get sense that the trucker likes limited rules and regulations. Basically, he doesn’t want someone else telling him what he can do. He runs his own business and he wants to be the one who makes the rules not the government. Secondly, this trucker has worked hard his whole life to achieve his idea of the American Dream. In his view he has worked extremely hard to achieve his success, so I infer that he would lean closer to the “liberty” side than to the “equality” side. Lastly, he is a Texan, so that explains a lot right there.

2.       As stated by Michele Lamont in her book The Dignity of Working Men, she says that men like the trucker who can “look out for themselves” often focus more on social and moral issues than economic issues. So, social and moral factors will be the most decisive in how he votes.

3.       Different people measure success in different ways. For example, an extremely poor person may think as themselves as successful if they one day own their own home but a wealthier person may measure success by being the CEO of a fortune 500 company. Other people do not just measure success by money or wealth. These other people sometimes measure success by happiness. Similar, to people who measure success by wealth some people measure success by social status.

1 comment:

Erik Arntsen said...

Interesting thoughts here, Cam. Truly goes to show you what the American Dream is all about. I get goosebumps just thinking about it.