Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rachel Maddow- MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show

In this video clip, Rachel Maddow of the Rachel Maddow Show discusses and analyzes racism in political parties.
After watching part of her show tonight, I would say Maddow leans to the left. I say this because many of her points support the left but I would like to point out that she appears to me as more moderate especially when compared to the likes of Larry King and Bill Maher. I like that she interjects her opinion but she doesn't act like she is "better" or smarter than the right like other left talking heads do. Like the O'Reilly Factor, Maddow's show definitely is an opinioned show that presents news stories. Overall, I didn't really like Maddow. Although I liked how she did not speak to the viewers in a condescending way, her show was just not interesting to me. I watched about 30 minutes of her program and it was more or less the same all the way through, she basically reported story after story with very little in studio guests or interviews. Maddow's show does not keep the viewer interested or engaged and in my opinion this is certainly a problem for the show when the host is not that attractive.

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