Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fast Food Poll

My “universe” was the senior class (110 Students)
I interviewed 8 members of the senior class four from each gender. Also, these people were randomly selected at lunch, but some brought lunch and some bought lunch.
Hypothesis: The majority of the senior class likes fast food and eats it at least once per week.
1.       Do you like fast food?
A.      Yes- 50% (55 students)
B.      No- 12.5% (13 students)
C.      Indifferent- 37.5% (41 students)

2.       What is your favorite fast food chain?
A.      McDonald’s- 50% (55 students)
B.      Burger King- 0% (0 students)
C.      Subway- 25% (27 students)
D.      Other- 25% (27 students)

3.       Would you rather eat fast food or a home-cooked meal?
A.      Fast food- 12.5% (13 students)
B.      Home-cooked meal- 87.5% (96 students)
C.      Indifferent- 0% (0 students)

4.       How many times per week do you eat fast food?
A.      Zero- 12.5% (13 students)
B.      Once- 50% (55 students)
C.      2-3 times- 25% (27 students)
D.      4-6 times- 12.5% 13 students)
E.       Daily- 0% (0 students)

5.       How many times per month do you eat fast food?
A.      Zero- 12.5% (13 students)
B.      Once or twice- 25%(27 students)
C.      4-8 times- 50% (55 students)
D.      Every day- 0% (0 students)
E.       Other- 12.5% (13 students)
Do you think there should be regulations restricting a person’s fast food consumption?
A.      Yes- 12.5% (13 students)
B.      No- 75% (82 students)
C.      Indifferent- 12.5 % (13 students)
Analysis: I think that my poll did somewhat prove my hypothesis. According to the poll, half the senior class likes fast food. Although this is not a majority it is as close as possible to a majority. Also, the poll shows that 87.5 % of the senior class eats fast food at least once per week. This is an overwhelming majority. I think my poll is accurate for the most part, but some of the questions and answers could have been worded better which I believe would have changed the results. I tried to make my sampling random but I also wanted both genders to be equally represented. I think the sampling size (7.2 % of class) was adequate. I think my results could have been skewed because often times when I was polling someone they would see my tally sheet and see what other people had voted. Due to this I think some people who would have voted for a less popular choice were more inclined to vote like everyone else did.

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