Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Question 3

On question 3 I would vote YES, to reduce the state sales tax to 3%. At first glance, I initially thought this was a great idea and decided I would definitely vote yes. After I thought about it more I began to realize if this tax was reduced to 3% then the state legislature would most likely raise the income tax. I personally, would rather see a higher sales tax than income tax because sales tax taxes everyone the same. After thinking it over awhile I decided that I would still vote yes because I still believe in lower taxes no matter what the tax is.
                While reading about Charlie Baker’s proposals if he were to be elected governor I found that he opposes lowering the tax to 3% but is in favor of lowering it to 5% and lowering the state income tax to 5%. I think this is a better option and a better compromise. However, I don’t believe this would pass through the state legislature so, this did not change my decision to vote yes on question 3.
                I would vote yes for a variety of reasons. Mainly, rolling back this tax to 3% would promote business throughout the state especially near the New Hampshire border, where retailers would now be more competitive with their NH counterparts. It would also increase sales on the southern border because we would now be attracting shoppers from NY, Conn., and RI. Rhode Island shoppers spending money it Massachusetts would likely increase the most because they face a 7% sales tax. According to the Alliance to Roll Back Taxes, rolling back to 3% would produce 32,929 productive and sustainable jobs. Creating jobs that are productive and sustainable is never a bad thing. This rollback would also give back roughly $700 dollars to each taxpayer in the Commonwealth. This extra money put back into the people’s pockets would most likely be spent on Massachusetts businesses which would furthermore strengthen the state’s economy. Lastly, the tax cut would reduce government spending by 5% and would force the state government to spend more wisely and responsible. This would reduce government waste, bureaucracy, and full pensions for government workers at age 54. In my opinion, voting YES on question 3 is the best option we have right now.  

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