Monday, October 11, 2010

40b is a Scam

With regards to Initiative #2 I would vote YES which would repeal the state law allowing the issuance of a single comprehensive permit to build housing that includes low-or moderate income units. I would vote yes on this proposal for a variety of reasons. One reason I agree with the initiative is because it would force developers to go through the proper channels to receive the appropriate permits to build. Often times these houses are being build on land that would otherwise not be built on because of zoning laws. These developers are building without any regard to local regulations or the environment. Another reason I am for this proposal is because this law is enabling developers to get rich while not actually solving Massachusetts housing problem. Most of the time developers will apply for 40b housing, but only build a few units as 40b and the rest as regular units. In these cases the developers are making a huge profit off of the normal units but still only need the one permit to build because some of the units are 40b. An interesting statistic that I found from the 2009 Massachusetts Housing Report Card is that in the last seven years 40b projects have produced more total units that the previous 37 years (since 40b went into effect) combined, but have produced less affordable units when compared to other programs. Massachusetts Inspector General Gregory Sullivan has called the 40b law a “pig fest” for developers and has also said it “represents one of the biggest business abuses in state history”. In conclusion I would vote yes to end this misuse of taxpayer’s money that is making the developers rich while Massachusetts still ranks 49th out of 52nd (this includes District of Columbia and Guam) when it comes to affordable housing.

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