Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mitt Romney eyes smaller footprint, later start for 2012

In a recent news story on, Mitt Romney says that he will begin his 2012 campaign for the presidency much later than he did in 2008. According to Romney, he will not announce has plan to run in January or February because he believes that are people are worn out from November’s midterm elections and need a break from major politics. Also, Romney said it was not as crucial to announce his candidacy for 2012 as early as he did in 2008 because he is a better known national figure now. In 2008, Romney had to spend millions just to get his name known by the American people. Romney also alluded to the fact that he will campaign with a much smaller staff this time around. In 2008, Romney needed a large staff to get his ideas and messages out and to organize his campaign just to keep up with frontrunner John McCain. Since this is his second time running for the presidency, Romney now knows what it takes to run an effective campaign so a smaller campaign staff will simplify the process. Romney even stated that such a larger staff was the cause of much confusion and miscommunication during the 2008 campaign. Romney was quoted saying this information during a conference call addressing his biggest financial donors along with Senator Scott Brown and former Florida GOP chairman Al Cardenas. The article also mentioned what are believed to be the other major candidates for the GOP; Indiana governor Mitch Daniels, John Thune, Sarah Palin, and Tim Pawlenty. Overall, the main idea of the article was to express the notion that Romney will announce his candidacy sometime later in the year, most likely the late spring or early summer.

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